To Assist Families

Excellence, Integrity, & Care

Does your family member say to you:

✔ Don’t know how to use computer, cell phone or tablet
✔ Feel intimidated
✔ Want to connect with kids & grandkids via texting
✔ Lonely
✔ Want to learn email
✔ Want to download/listen music
✔ Feel dependent on other people
✔ They are just overwhelmed
✔ Don’t want to be left behind
✔ They are frustrated
✔ Help me


Do you say this or something similiar:

✔ I just don’t have the time
✔ I just don’t have the patience
✔ I’ll do it for them rather than explain it
✔ I’m tired at the end of the day
✔ I try to explain over the phone, but they don’t get it
✔ I have to keep repeating it – they forgot how to do it

If you relate to any of this: Sign your family member up for our classes. Relax, Breathe, Let us give you the help you need.